( http://bestbridge.net/data/upimages/krasnybridge_moyka.jpg )
( http://bestbridge.net/data/upimages/moyka_krasny_1.jpg )
Red Bridge
The first cast iron bridge on the site was designed and built in 1808-1813 to a design by William Heste. The bridge was rebuilt in 1953 by architect V.V. Blazhevich. The original cast iron structure of the bridge was replaced by the welded steel arches but most of the decorations are left intact. The bridge's name dates from a 19th-century tradition of color-coding the bridges crossing the Moika River. Like other colored bridges, the Red Bridge got its name from the colour of its sides facing the river. Today only four colored bridges survive, the other ones being the Blue Bridge, the Green Bridge and the Yellow Bridge respectively. Three of them kept their original names, since Yellow Bridge has been renamed to Pevchesky Bridge.
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